The real cost of CDing
When I first started to research CD's I was
shell shocked! Twenty bucks for a diaper? Please, how the heck is this
cheaper? It's true that dropping the initial money on a CD stash can be
quite a big amount (but it doesnt have to be!) I would say that the average
CDer pays $300 to $500 on CDs. Here is where they SAVE money.
A. They can be used for multiply children. (Just remember to buy majority of them in neutral colors!)
B. If you buy one size they can last you through potty training.
C. You can resell them! (chances are you wont make all your money back, but you may be able to make half of it!
**WARNING** Buying and selling CD's can become ADDICTING (Just ask my Husband who brought in 3 CD packages today...)
How many do I need?
This really depends on what kind of diapers you want to try and when you are planning to start.
Newborn- So here is the thing most OS diapers do not start until 8 to 10
lbs. (I don't think Lady Petunia fit in hers until she was 9 lbs, even then they
were a tad big but still worked.) So many people buy a separate stash
for the NB faze. For Prefolds and fitteds it is recommend to have 24 to
30 prefolds (if you are going to wash every other day, add more if you
want to wash every third day). I would say you would want 8 or so
covers. The other popular choice for the new born faze is AIO's. If you
chose these 24 is probably a good amount to start with.
What I did- I
did not use CD's on Lady Petunia until we got out of the tar poop faze, and her
belly button healed. When I did start I used mostly g diapers (tiny and
small), they worked great until she could fit in her OS flips. She
started in full time in CD's (flips and BG's) when she was around 4 weeks
old. Honestly if you are a new mom using sposies for the first couple of
weeks is not a bad idea. You are probably going to be soar and
exhausted that adding a couple loads of laundry may be a really big
project. That being said, next time around I plan to buy a newborn stash and use it.
Infant and up- This again depends on how often you want to wash, how often the
child wets, and remember each kid is different. Different diapers
work for different kids!
Prefolds/fitteds/- 20 to 24, if you have a heavy wetter you
probably will want more since you will have to change more often. Prefolds do not leave the baby feeling dry, ultimately they need to be changed more often.
Snappis- 5 or 7
Pockets/AIO- 24-30
AI2s- At least 6 covers and 24 inserts
Wet bags- 2 or 3 of each size, that way if you are washing and need to dispose of a diaper you can. Remember to buy more if your child will be in daycare.
Doubler/liners- This is preference and need only.
Diaper pales- Probably just one, but if you have a large house and find
yourself changing diapers in more then one place then maybe get more.
Cloth wipes-30 to 50
What I have- This is after a year of cding.
All of my diapers on one size, it just makes more sense to me.
36 flip stay dry inserts
6 Flip covers (my favorite)
2 Econobum covers
1 WAHM cover (work at home mom, more on that later)- I just bought this
one and she leaked in it it the first hour she wore it, needless to say
despite the cute ruffles it will be resold soon)
1 Bumgenius pocket diaper with 3 microfiber inserts
1 Blueberry pocket diaper
2 Happy heinys pockets
2 Sunbaby pockets
2 fuzzibuns pockets
10 Bummis fleece liners- These are supper soft I only use them if Lady Petunia is a
little red and needs cream. Or if we are going to be some where for a
while, and I don't know when I will be able to change her.
5 or so Bumgenius doublers
2 Hemp Babies doublers
Diaper pales- 0
Wet bags- 2 hanging large ones (Best bottom, planet wise) 1 medium (planet wise), 1 small (planet wise).
The medium and small go in my diaper bag (which is the size of a suit
case :) I put all of my extra diapers and wipes in the medium, and if I
change while out the soiled ones go in the small bag. This works great
for my stroller because the Phil and Teds basket is rather small so it
fits nicely.
Cloth wipes- 30 or so. I made my own out of cheap thin Gerber burp
cloths (they look and feel like large wash cloths) I cut them down the
middle the long way and then into three pieces each.
What is in your cloth diaper stash?